I was looking for a fabulous dress to wear to a summer wedding. While looking at some vintage dresses on ebay, I came across tons of 50's sewing patterns and thought, "hey, I could make that!" Granted, I haven't done much sewing since 4-H in 6th grade, but how hard could it be? I pulled out my 1970 Kenmore sewing machine and got to work.
Well, it turned out to be harder than I thought. I found Nora, an incredible seamstress and teacher at Sew Fresh Studios in Niwot, CO. After a bit of a refresher course, I was hooked! This is the first dress of many I would make over the summer.
The dress I made is a cotton polk-a-dot fabric. I wanted to make it a more casual day dress than the evening gown the pattern shows. This is Vogue pattern 1094 is a reproduction from their original 1950's pattern and has been updated with more modern sizing.

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